Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Apr/May 2018 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 54

When I start and end my day with ceremony, my spirit feels lighter and freer and is filled with more joy and clarity. life, starting with clutter clearing can create an energy wave that will support and provide a foundation for other shifts that you desire to create in your life. When we release clutter (whether it is physical, mental or emotional), we are announcing to the universe that we are ready to experience more of what it is we desire. We are so ready that we have cleared space for it to move in. What is very important during this process is holding your intention in your mind and spirt while you are clutter clearing so that the Universe knows exactly what to deliver once you’ve cleared the space. I often find that I have the most success with clearing a space when I am clear on the intended use for the space as well as how I desire to feel when I am in that space. One thing to always remember is that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed. So, how will you transform the energy in your spaces to support bringing in sparks of joy and magic? 54 | April / May 2019 3. Arrange Your Space to Support Yourself. When you think about your bedroom space, what is the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see when you go to sleep at night? These things can have a dramatic impact on your day and your night’s sleep. Ensure that your spaces are clear and uncluttered but also make sure that what you see when waking and going to sleep is inspirational to you, that it brings you joy. How would it feel if you woke up in the mornings and first saw a quote or image that brings great joy to you instead of perhaps a pile of unwashed or unfolded laundry? Or a pile of unread books/magazines, projects, or a unorganized pile of almost anything? What we see has a dramatic impact on our mood. And the more we become accustomed to our surroundings, the more colors, images and objects blend into the scenery and go unnoticed. Take a few moments to really reflect on your spaces and evaluate if the objects and arrangements of those objects are supportive to you. Do these things support the purpose of your space? Is your space comfortable? Are you able to move throughout the space with ease? And, most importantly, how does the space make you feel? 4. Creativity. I know many who claim that they are not creative; however, each person creates throughout the day. You create your thoughts, actions, experiences and routines. Why not have fun with these? Infuse joy in your life by incorporating experiences that