Aspire Magazine: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul.(TM) Apr/May 2018 Aspire Magazine Full Issue | Page 31

Spiritually resilient people are resourceful and are more likely to seek assistance when they face a challenge. They cultivate a positive support network because they are usually more connected to others. Therefore, it’s essential that you surround yourself and spend time with the people who unconditionally love, support, and care for you. Share your vulnerability and ask for help from someone on your soul support team. Create an energetic support team consisting of people who accept you without judging, and who encourage you to trust yourself, embrace your truth, and follow your heart. If there are toxic people around you on a consistent basis, remove them from your inner circle. Recognize when you are energetically drained around certain people and choose to spend little time with them. 6 Develop a Sense of Lightheartedness: Lightheartedness leads to a life of ease and grace. It includes spontaneity, humor, and playfulness—all launchpads to creativity and spiritual growth. your life seems brighter, and you increase your desire and ability to uplift the lives of others. In cultivating lightheartedness, you create and sustain joy, uplift others and find peace in times of turmoil. Spend time playing, simply having fun, and celebrating being, alone or with family or friends. Take pleasure in the simple things in life that make your heart sing with joyful abandon. Say yes to new situations that make you laugh, force you to explore outside your comfort zone, or prompt you to view life from a new perspective. Bring a sense of humor and silliness into every moment, and refuse to take life too seriously. Align with your soul’s passion and purpose and sustain joy in your life. Spiritual resiliency is key to joy, happiness, and leading a soul-hearted life. The more you lead a spiritually attuned life, the more resilient you become. It leads to a life of ease and grace. Dr. Debra Reble - Consciously merging her practical tools as a psychologist with her intuitive and spiritual gifts, Intuitive Psychologist Dr. Debra Reble empowers women to connect with their hearts, release fear and anxiety, and supports them in breaking through their energetic and spiritual blocks to self-love so they can live authentically. Debra is the International Bestselling author of Soul-Hearted Living: A Year of Sacred Reflections & Affirmations for Women, Being Love: How Loving Yourself Creates Ripples of Transformation in Your Relationships and the World (Inspired Living Publishing) and the author of Soul-Hearted Partnership: The Ultimate Experience of Love, Passion, and Intimacy, which garnered four book awards including the Eric Hoffer award, as well as a contributing author to many best-selling books. Her popular Anxiety RX: Balm for the Soul digital program supports women in understanding the spiritual aspects of anxiety. Debra is a sought-after speaker and media guest and is the host of the popular Soul-Hearted Living podcast on iTunes. Download your free 4-part Soul-Hearted Living Sacred Meditation Series today. 31 5  ultivate a Soul C Support Group and Ask for Assistance: