April/May 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 24

24 www . AspireMAG . net | April / May 2023
already associated with luck . A nice piece of tiger ’ s eye , citrine , or even malachite might be nice . Just make sure the piece is small enough to carry in your pocket . As for the oil , experiment with this one . I have been using plain orange oil and some fancy luckattracting blends to see what happens . So far , they all seem to work fine .
The other tool I have for my personal experiment is a Lucky Tracker , a worksheet I designed for myself and Patreon people . But you can use a normal notebook and track your experiment ’ s progress daily . This tracker makes you play the game as often as possible , which , as I stated above , is one of the keys to creating more luck . You have to play the game to see the evidence . A simple luck tracker will keep you focused and allow you to examine all the evidence you collect .

Step Four :


Pick up your crystal , put a drop of oil on it , rub it between your palms , and say , “ today , good luck flows to me . No matter where I go , good luck flows to me . In all my conversations , good luck is there . I am in the flow of good luck . This is going to be my lucky day .” put the crystal in your pocket and see what happens .
The best part about an experiment is that you are just gathering information . You are not attached to an outcome either way . Leaving you to play , have fun and enjoy yourself . The more times you play this luck game , the more information you will gather and the more luck you will see flowing into your life . Remember what I said in the beginning ? The people who consider themselves lucky play the game more than everyone else .
So , what are you waiting for ?


LEEZA ROBERTSON - Leeza is an international bestselling author with Llewelyn Worldwide . She recently released her latest book , A Year of Angel Guidance . She is a girl from the Aussie bush living her best life in Las Vegas Nevada with her wife . You can come play with her in her Patreon community patreon . com / LeezaRobertson .

24 www . AspireMAG . net | April / May 2023