April/May 2023 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 15


Moving beyond the simple manifestation of fast cash and into the generation of sustainable wealth requires deep inner exploration and a mindset upgrade . As a psychotherapist , I have a natural fascination with the mind and the unconscious . I like to ponder how our mental architecture and belief systems either support or limit our ability to manifest our deepest desires . Sometimes we don ’ t even realize that these beliefs are there because we ’ ve had them our whole lives — usually inherited or adopted from our ancestors , families , communities , and cultures . Because we pick these things up so young , we tend to make assumptions about ourselves , and our lives based on these beliefs ( often lies ) and consider them to be true .

Let ’ s imagine it this way : Think of your maximum , ultimate , next level of wealth as if it ’ s a beautiful , lush garden overflowing with bounty . The birds are singing . The bees are buzzing , and all the fruits and veggies are plentiful , succulent , juicy , and ripe . When your inner wealth garden is hopping like this , it means your cash quotient is overflowing with goodness and your bank accounts are flush with resources . You have officially reached your next level of wealth .
Now imagine that your inherited belief systems about money are the soil for this wealth garden . The quality of your beliefs will either create fertile ground for your wealth seeds and magical effort to grow or create a toxic environment where your magical wealth seeds struggle to take root . Toxic beliefs will strangle your every attempt to reach your next level of wealth .
If on a subconscious level , your inner wealth garden is full of weeds and the soil is toxic , no

The quality of your beliefs will either create fertile ground for your wealth seeds and magical effort to grow or create a toxic environment where your magical wealth seeds struggle to take root .

matter what you do , no matter how hard you work , you will feel like you ’ re financially stuck . Those mental weeds will suck the vitality out of your wealth garden and block your ability to have a fertile and bountiful life . I call them the Wealth Blockers .
Wealth Blockers are like invisible condoms that prevent your wealth seeds from spreading and taking root in even the most fertile soil . They are the subconscious negative beliefs you inherited from society and your ancestors that keep you from manifesting your next-level wealth , even when you work really hard at it .
Do you ever feel like you take two steps forward and three steps back when you are trying to get ahead in life ? Yeah , those are the ol ’ Wealth Blocker ’ s bouncing you back . They